Saturday 7 March 2015

Oh hey there....

I am hoping this is it...the day I finally get the balls to begin a blog.  And no better time when the market is completely oversaturated by lifestyle bloggers, am I right? I mean lets face it, nobody will ever find this on the giant heap of kale loving yogi enthusiastic online memoirs but we will persevere.  

So what pushed me to take the leap today? Why finally after years and years of reading blogs on a daily basis and looking to my online imaginary pals for advice on beauty buys (yes I am a marketers dream reader), health, recipes and more.... Well a number of reasons;

-   I was eaves dropping on girls in the gym this morning and the hot blonde of the twosome casually mentioned how she had to upload her latest recipes onto her blog today.  Don't worry she had taken the photos but just needed to type up the recipes....cue me kicking myself that I don't have a blog to upload my recipes on and also trying not to butt in and ask blondie for her URL.  

- I'm having an 'admin day'.  My admin days are few and far between usually because I have the boyfriend moseying around my flat or we out and about with pals.  However he is working today and post gym I found the perfect little sun drenched nook in my flat to update my Linkedin profile, have a quick search for ANY job options and try do some organising for my best friends hen party.  Oh and also start this little baby! 

- Finally and probably most importantly, I am in a rut with work (more about this another day).  After only being in my current job for 6 months I feel extremely trapped and grossed out about the lack of creativity in my role.  Having always had some kind of creative outlet in my young career I feel like Rose when she boards the Titanic every time I walk up to my office doors, I want to run away.  But I can't run away, I need G's to pay the bills and this ludicrous London rent so this blog will act as my creative outlet.  Also somewhere to vent. Of course.  

I think that will do as the 'awkward' first post...more about the name of the blog tomorrow. I am planning a road trip to Surrey tomorrow so photos to follow.  

B x

#blog #health #london #lifestyle